If Mother's Day is coming up, your mom loves to sew or quilt, and you're unsure of what to get for her as a gift - we have some ideas for you! These include options that you can piece together as one big gift made up of many smaller sewing-related items, or a bigger option that you can split with your siblings!
Sewing-Related Coffee Mug
One idea to gift her is a coffee mug! I mean, what goes better with sewing than the fuel needed to create her projects!

This particular coffee mug showcases all of your mom's favorite things that go along with her crafting adventures such as needles and thread, buttons, sewing machines, etc. And to make it even more unique and adorable, the handle is a tape measure!

Or, something just as interesting with a bit more spunk could be this coffee mug! I absolutely love how the scissors form into a handle for the coffee mug!
Embroidery Scissors
Tiny scissors to snip away at straggling threads come in all types of looks, and more than likely your mom has stuck with her trusty ol' scissors that simply get the job done. One nice gesture for her on Mother's Day could be to upgrade her embroidery scissors that she may not have picked for herself on any normal day so that any time she uses them (which is A LOT), she feels just a bit more inspired.

This set is absolutely gorgeous with a classy, Victorian feel and also comes with a matching tape measure!

Another beautiful option could be these stork embroidery scissors. A little quirky side note about these thread-snippers is that when you open them, it looks like the bird is opening its beak.
Non-Slip Foot Control Pad
Has your mom ever complained about her foot pedal running off from her when she sits down to sew? It can definitely be frustrating when you already can't see what's beneath your table and to then have your foot slipping around with the pedal as you're trying to stay efficient.

This Pedal-Stay mat would be a thoughtful option to gift your mom for Mother's Day to help ease her frustration! It also comes with velcro patches to attach to the foot pedal and mat for extra support.
Hydraulic Sewing Chair
One upgrade that your mom will forever thank you for is changing out her chair that she spends hours sewing on for a hydraulic sewing chair that will help support her lower back, ease pain from sitting for so long, and allow her to sew more projects for a longer amount of time.

This particular chair has several patterns to choose from and also has storage built into it to hold her crafting supplies (or snacks)! You could definitely go in on this with your siblings and even fill it up with more sewing supply surprises.
Magnetic Macaron for Pins and Needles
We all know that one thing our sewing pins LOVE to do...is disappear. Pin cushions work great, but what if we went one step forward and gifted her something to keep her pins in place in the form of a magnetic dessert??

This magnetic macaron pin holderis absolutely adorable! And as an added bonus, the middle layer sharpens your needles! It's cute, practical, and boosts the longevity of your mom's needles, so it makes for a wonderful 3-in-1 gift.
Organizational Sewing Basket
I'm willing to bet your mom still carries around the classic cookie tin to hold her tools and notions. If she doesn't, maybe she stores them in a simple plastic container or the drawer of her desk?

All of these options are great, but if you'd like to give her something that will spread joy every time she goes to get something out of it, I highly recommend this basket! It has a deep area for storing larger items like her fabric scissors and tape measure.

It also has a removable bin at the top that organizes smaller products. As an added bonus, it comes with an adorable pin cushion!
Button Pins for Sewing
Last, but not least, is an upgrade to her pins.

These button pins are, once again, not only adorable but also functional; the flat button endings make it easier to hold together stacks of fabric as well as iron over the fabric because they keep the surface flat and smooth.
We hope that these ideas help you to gather some inspiration for what to gift your crafty mom for Mother's Day!